If you need a program designed for your loved one, please follow the two steps below:
1) Choose a 4-page or 6-page Design Selection + its design number (#)
2) Contact your favorite local funeral director for him/her to secure an authorization code which will allow review of the ‘Funeral Directors’ page. Only funeral directors will have access to the ‘Funeral Directors’ page.
Directors should contact Ernest Broadwater
Email: ernest@CelebratingAWonderfulLife.com Office Phone: 615-256-6707
4-page Program—8.5 x 11 inch page size—just click on the cover to see all four pages as a PDF sample.
6-page Tri-fold Program—8.5 x 11 inch page size—just click on the cover to see all six pages as a PDF sample.
When more space is needed for Obituary, Order of Service, Tributes or Photos, an 8 page program offers the flexibility required. Consider the following three (3) combinations. 8-page colors: Same as 4-page and 6-page programs.
Sample #1 Page Layout
Cover Page = 1 Page
Obituary Pages = 1 Page
Order of Service Pages = 1 Page
Tributes Pages = 1 Page
Photos Pages = 3 Pages
Acknowledgement Pages = 1 Page
Sample #2 Page Layout
Cover Page = 1 Page
Obituary Pages = 2 Page
Order of Service Pages = 1 Page
Tributes Pages = 1 Page
Photos Pages = 2 Pages
Acknowledgement Pages = 1 Page